Step 2: If you have renamed the core folder, then change the name. Ex: I have renamed qb-inventory to mm_inventory
if GetResourceState('ox_inventory') == 'started' then -- change your inventory script
Shared.Inventory = 'ox' -- dont touch this
elseif GetResourceState('mm_inventory') == 'started' then -- change your inventory script
Shared.Inventory = 'qb' -- dont touch this
elseif GetResourceState('ps-inventory') == 'started' then -- change your inventory script
Shared.Inventory = 'qb' -- dont touch this
elseif GetResourceState('qb-inventory') == 'started' then -- change your inventory script
Shared.Inventory = 'qb' -- dont touch this
elseif GetResourceState('qs-inventory') == 'started' then -- change your inventory script
Shared.Inventory = 'qb' -- dont touch this
Shared.Inventory = false
warn('No Inventory found')
QB Based Inventory Addons