๐ปChannel Name
Guide to understand how to change channel name
If you provide a simple channel number frequency, it will change that specific channel
["1"] = "MRPD CH#1", -- change name of channel 1 only
["1.1"] = "MRPD CH#1.1", -- change name of channel 1.1 only
["1.2"] = "MRPD CH#1.2", -- change name of channel 1.2 only
If you provide a formatter for the channel, it will change all frequency that matches the channel formatter
["1.%"] = "MRPD CH#1", -- change every matches 1.% ex: 1.1, 1.2, etc.
["2.%"] = "MRPD CH#2", -- change every matches 1.% ex: 2.1, 2.2, etc.
["3.%"] = "MRPD CH#3", -- change every matches 1.% ex: 3.1, 3.2, etc.
Last updated