A Beautiful Radio script for communication! It has many features packed in one script which every RP server wants and it provides a whole new UI look, enriching the user experience.
Radio Features
New Radio UI
Submix Effect in radio channel
Customizable Restrict Channel with job/gang
0 Resmon highly optimized
You can now Move and resize the Radio UI
You can now change the Radio Channel Display Name
New Configurable Radio Battery System
Inbuilt Notify System
Overlay Features
Players Can Configurable Position of the Overlay
Players Can Configurable Size of Overlay Names
Players Can Configurable their Display Name in Overlay(server synced)
Jammer Features
Players can place the jammer and remove it anywhere
The server can set default jammer locations
Players can Configurable Every Jammer Range
Jammer can be configured to allow specific frequencies to pass through
QBCore/ESX/QBox/ND/Standalone(for job list)
Last updated