Create a export if not exist in qb-inventory/server.lua
-- Stash Items
local function GetStashItems(stashId)
local items = {}
local result = MySQL.scalar.await('SELECT items FROM stashitems WHERE stash = ?', {stashId})
if not result then return items end
local stashItems = json.decode(result)
if not stashItems then return items end
for _, item in pairs(stashItems) do
local itemInfo = QBCore.Shared.Items[]
if itemInfo then
items[item.slot] = {
name = itemInfo["name"],
amount = tonumber(item.amount),
info = or "",
label = itemInfo["label"],
description = itemInfo["description"] or "",
weight = itemInfo["weight"],
type = itemInfo["type"],
unique = itemInfo["unique"],
useable = itemInfo["useable"],
image = itemInfo["image"],
slot = item.slot,
return items
exports('GetStashItems', GetStashItems)
Generate Vehicle List
Step 1: Start the scripts as in order provided here and join the server
Step 2: On F8 console/chat try executing this command generatevehlist and wait for the script to retrive all vehicle data from core.
Step 3: Upon Completion you will see files/folders introducing in mm_dealership/data/ folder
Add new Vehicles/Categories
// category template
return {
name: string = "Category Label",
category: string = "Category Name",
shop: string = "shop id as in shops.lua",
vehicles = {
{ // vehicle template
speed: number = "Speed of vehicle",
nickname: string = "Nickname of vehicle",
control: number = "Control of vehicle",
stock: number = 1, // dont change this, set it to 1
hash: string = "model name",
manufacturer: string = "Manufacturer Name",
category: string = "Category Label",
braking: number = "Braking of vehicle",
shop: string = "shop id as in shops.lua",
discountPrice: number = -1, // set to -1 if no discount
dealerPrice: number = "Price of vehicle at vehicle import",
testDrivePrice: number = "Price of test drive, -1 to remove test drive",
price: number = "Price of vehicle at shop",
model: string = "Full name of Vehicle",
acceleration: number = "Acceleration of vehicle",
speed = 168,
nickname = "",
control = 84,
stock = 1,
hash = "jester2",
manufacturer = "Dinka",
category = "Sports",
braking = 71,
shop = "pdm",
discountPrice = -1,
dealerPrice = 156600,
testDrivePrice = 1740,
price = 174000,
model = "Dinka Jester Racecar",
acceleration = 31,